Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Applying EASYJoint in Cold Weather

Applying EASYJoint in cold conditions - azpects.co.uk

EASYJoint can be used in virtually all conditions including rain and light snow. 

If torrential rain is forecast it would be beneficial to cover the area to prevent any possibility of the compound being washed out by the force of the rain.

Once EASYJoint has been applied it will not be compromised by cold and freezing conditions. Cold & wet conditions will increase the setting time considerably - freezing weather will cause the process to virtually cease & it can take many days for the joints to set hard. However, it will eventually set & the weather will not have impaired its qualities in any way.  EASYJoint can take up to 3 weeks to gain maximum hardness & strength.

In freezing conditions, EASYJoint can be applied using the Dry Application method. There is a greater risk of staining or ‘picture framing’ with this method but the effects can be lessened by sealing the paving first.  Our experience has been that if any marking occurs it will weather over time & eventually fade away. Azpects have a range of easy to use sealers to meet your needs  -  visit our website to find out more: http://azpects.co.uk/sealers-and-protectors.aspx

As water can turn to ice in freezing conditions, we strongly recommend you avoid the wet application process. If ice has formed in the joint prior to installation avoid using EASYJoint until the ice has melted.

If your intention is to use the wet application method, ensure that ground temperatures are greater than 3 degrees Celsius.

To access our instructional guides for our dry application and wet application methods, please visit our instructional website: easyjoint.eu/

For information on all our products including EASYJoint visit: azpects.co.uk/products.aspx

Written by Jeff Carter; employee Of Azpects Ltd (plus ex Landscape Gardener and Paving Centre Manager) 

Monday, 19 January 2015

To seal... or not to seal?

Appying EASYSeal with a roller

Now as many of you are aware, there are many paving sealers on the market and they all do the same basic function- Seal and protect. 

Go into any Builders Merchants or DIY store and you will be offered a selection of different brands so choosing the right one for you can be a bit hit & miss. It’s unlikely that you will know how good your choice is for months as any sealer is good when first applied.

One thing you can usually rely on is the old saying- “You get what you pay for” If you buy a cheap sealer its unlikely to have the same degree of protection as the higher priced brands.
I have to admit that once upon a time I wasn’t a fan of sealers as the information I had at the time didn’t give me much confidence. I was selling plenty of Natural Stone paving and I would never recommend sealing as I didn’t want any comebacks later in life. People saying that it’s all gone wrong and it’s my fault!

What can go wrong? Well try applying a solvent based sealer when the paving is not totally dry or trying to brush or roll on a hot, summer’s day and you will get it ‘wrong’.

I recently had a play with some samples of our new EASYSeal ULTIMATE and EASYSeal COLOUR ENHANCER and I learnt a few things.  Good sealers work! Take EASYSeal ULTIMATE for example. I applied one coat and as directed, I then applied the second coat but alas I had not expected that the first coat would dry so fast and as a result the second coat just ‘sat’ on the top of the stone; after some time the liquid disappeared leaving a horrible Leopard skin effect. The solution to that problem was to apply only one coat system and make it a good one. The next piece of stone I treated had very impressive repelling results, the water just beaded and wobbled about on the surface.

Do I need to seal?  The answer is yes and no (a popular phrase used a lot by our  IT guys).  It’s purely a matter of choice and if you feel better for doing it then great. I would use an invisible sealer if I thought it might help reduce the number of times I needed to clean my patio and I would use an enhancer sealer if the paving looks better when wet/damp.

As mentioned in an earlier blog, sealers will not protect against all things. Animal waste will eat through most coatings and cleaners and bleaches usually have a good go to.

Ask yourself why you want to seal. Do you need to? Will it help? Will it matter if I only do it once?

If it makes you feel better, then do it- but do your homework before you do.  I would always suggest leaving new paving for one season before thinking about sealing as this gives time for efflorescence etc. to calm down. It will also give you a better idea as to what sort of things you may have to seal against.

For more information on our sealers & protectors, visit: http://azpects.co.uk/products.aspx

Written by Jeff Carter; employee Of Azpects Ltd (plus ex Landscape Gardener and Paving Centre Manager)